Form Designer - a simple form designer for Django

This form designer does not try to offer every last configuration possibility of Django’s forms, just through the administration interface instead of directly in Python code. Instead, it strives to be a tool which everyone can use right away, without the need for long explanations.

It offers a small set of predefined input fields such as:

  • Text fields (One line and multi line widgets possible)
  • E-mail address fields
  • Checkboxes
  • Dropdowns
  • Radio Buttons
  • Multiple selection checkboxes
  • Hidden input fields

Every field can optionally be declared mandatory, default values and help texts are available too. That’s it.

By default, form data is sent by e-mail to a freely definable e-mail address and stored in the database (a XLSX export of saved submissions is provided too). It is possible to add your own actions as well.

Installing the form designer

Install the package using pip:

$ pip install form_designer

Setting up the form designer

  • Add "form_designer" and "admin_ordering" to INSTALLED_APPS.
  • Run ./ migrate form_designer
  • Go into Django’s admin panel and add one or more forms with the fields you require. Also select at least one action in the configuration options selectbox, most often you’d want to select both the “E-mail” and the “Save form submission” option. After saving once, you’ll see additional fields belonging to the selected configuration options, in this case a field for entering an e-mail address where the submission results should be sent to.

If you’re using the form designer with FeinCMS, the content type can be imported from form_designer.contents.FormContent. Otherwise, your code should use the following methods (the code would probably reside in a view):

# Somehow fetch the form_designer.models.Form instance:
instance = ...

# Build the form class:
form_class = instance.form()

# Standard form processing:
if request.method == "POST":
    form = form_class(request.POST)

    if form.is_valid():
        # Do what you want, or run the configured processors:
        result = instance.process(form, request)

        # Maybe there's something useful in here:

    form = form_class()

return render(...)

Adding custom actions

Custom actions can be added by appending them to Form.CONFIG_OPTIONS:

from form_designer.models import Form

def do_thing(model_instance, form_instance, request, config, **kwargs):

def do_validate(form_instance, data):

    ("do_thing", {
        "title": _("Do a thing"),
        "form_fields": lambda form: [
            ("optional_form_field", forms.CharField(
                label=_("Optional form field"),
                # validators...
                # help_text...
        "process": do_thing,
        "validate": do_validate,

The interesting part if the do_thing callable. It currently receives four arguments, however you should also accept **kwargs to support additional arguments added in the future:

  • model_instance: The Form model instance
  • form_instance: The dynamically generated form instance
  • request: The current HTTP request
  • config: The config options (keys and values defined through form_fields; for example the email action defines an email char field, and accesses its value using config["email"].


To enable [ReCaptcha]( install [django-recaptcha]( and add captcha to your INSTALLED_APPS. This will automatically add a ReCaptcha field to the form designer. For everything else read through the django-recaptcha readme.

Override field types

Define FORM_DESIGNER_FIELD_TYPES in your settings file like:

FORM_DESIGNER_FIELD_TYPES = "your_project.form_designer_config.FIELD_TYPES"

In something like:

from django import forms
from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _

    {"type": "text", "verbose_name": _("text"), "field": forms.CharField},
    {"type": "email", "verbose_name": _("e-mail address"), "field": forms.EmailField},

Change log

Next version

  • Stopped hardcoding the admin base form class. Overriding the form attribute on the ModelAdmin class for forms now works as expected.
  • Raised the minimum requirements to Python 3.6, Django 2.2.
  • Switched to a declarative setup.
  • Switched to GitHub actions.


  • Fixed a typo and changed e-mail to email. Removed the help text from config options which isn’t correct anymore.
  • Added code to avoid crashing the admin interface if form submissions cannot be deserialized and/or rendered.
  • Worked around changes in the initialization of change forms in the administration interface.
  • Added Django 3.1 and Python 3.8 to the Travis CI matrix.
  • Reordered the configuration options in the administration panel; moved activation of processors closer to their configuration.
  • Fixed a recurring bug where migrations would be created when changing field types.
  • Made the ordering field a bit wider so that the value is still visible even on small screens.


  • Fixed the config fieldsets code to work when using Django 3.0.
  • Added an unit test and docs for the "validate" config option.
  • Passed additional data to the "validate" config option. Not accepting arbitrary keyword arguments is now deprecated.
  • Changed the forms administration interface to show all form options from the beginning. This requires a change to the form_fields configuration option: Instead of a list it has to be a callable accepting the form instance now.
  • Added support for specifying a description for config options.


  • Restructured the FIELD_TYPES data structure to use a dictionary instead of a tuple to allow for future expansion.
  • Dropped compatibility with Python 2.


  • Fixed the package to include static files and templates.
  • Raised the minimum django-recaptcha version to 2.0.


  • Added tox configuration for easily running linters and tests locally.
  • Reformatted the project using black
  • Made django-admin-ordering a dependency.
  • Replaced the CSV export with an XLSX export based on xlsxdocument. It just is a better format.
  • Improved the test coverage a bit and fixed an edge case where form field model validation would crash.


  • Changed FormSubmission.sorted_data (and by extension also formatted_data(_html) and the CSV export) to use field names instead of field titles as keys. Field names are guaranteed to be unique, titles are not.


  • Moved form processing into FormContent.process; this removes the need to pass the request to FormContent.render. render is not expected to require a request parameter in FeinCMS content types.
  • Added Django 1.11 to the test matrix. No changes were necessary for 1.11 support.
  • Added documentation for adding new actions.
  • Fixed a bug where activated config options were lost because of differences between list() and dict_keys() objects.


  • Make the fields tabular inline a bit less wide.
  • Added czech translations.
  • Fixed the usage of render_to_string to actually work correctly with Django 1.10.


  • The form admin uses django-admin-ordering for fields if available.
  • Now supports sending notification mails to multiple addresses.


  • Moved the FormContent to the new module form_designer.contents to make the form designer usable without FeinCMS.
  • Replaced SortedDict with collections.OrderedDict.
  • Fixed an XSS vulnerability in the administration.
  • Dropped compatibility with old Django versions (<1.8).
  • Replaced the horrible form submission serialization of repr() and eval() with JSON.
  • General packaging and code cleanups.


  • Avoid the deprecated mimetype argument to HTTP responses.
  • Fixed infinite recursion in jsonize.
  • Made field type choices lazy so that changing available field types is easier resp. actually possible.


  • Improve code coverage, less warnings, less complaining.


  • Added an app config for a nicer app name.


  • Built-in support for Django 1.7-style migrations. If you’re using South, update to South 1.0 or better.


  • Support for Python 3.3, 2.7 and 2.6.
  • Support for overridding field types with FORM_DESIGNER_FIELD_TYPES.